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Another Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:24 am
by Offbeat
Hey everybody!

I'll go ahead and introduce myself. I've already made a few posts without doing that. I mainly lurked on the old NOM board. I also decided to go by a different name. My username on NOM 1.0 was IDontKnow. I also go by DontKnow on a couple of other forums.


Just a little bit about myself...I grew up fully active in the church, enjoyed YW's, attended EFY, graduated from seminary, went to girls camp every year, etc. I was pretty much a typical TBM. I am now in my 20's, single, with no kids.

Growing up, I didn't really like the "Families are Forever" belief. The Church teaches that if you're not sealed to your family, you won't be with them forever. I am part of a part-active family. My immediate family is actually not sealed. So that teaching weighed pretty heavily on me.

Back in October of 2013, I did research on what brides and grooms who are part of part-active/part-member families do for their weddings. During my research, I found out that the 1 year wait policy only applies to those who live in the US. Then I read some of the stories on the Family First Weddings site, which put a huge crack in my shelf. I started doing more in-depth research on sealings, which lead me to D&C 132. Learning about JS's polygamy and polyandry is what made my shelf fell and crashed. After that, I learned about the freemasonry, first vision accounts, BOM translation, and so on.

Now I'm a nonbeliever and inactive. I would consider myself a secular humanist. I went from a TBM to an inactive nonbeliever in about 5 or 6 months. I'm grateful for my faith transition. I feel that my mind is more open than it used to be. The world isn't as evil and wicked as I once thought.

That's pretty much it. I'm more of a lurker. I'll try to post here and there. :)

Re: Another Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:28 am
by Fifi de la Vergne
Thanks for the intro, offbeat. Wecome!

"Families are Forever" has such a nice surface ring to it. IF you're one of the privileged members who has a fully active, fits-the-ideal, family. I grew up in a really dysfunctional, non LDS family and I chased that ideal for over 30 years. It wasn't until other things started breaking my shelf that I realized how many problems there were with holding up one very narrow model as the ideal, how many were excluded or doomed to second-tier heaven for reasons beyond their control.

Re: Another Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:38 am
by Meilingkie
Welcome offbeat.
Yep, the 1 year wait is for Europeans, something horrendous.
We just donĀ“t get it.

A civil wedding (mandatory here) gives non-members a wedding+party
As long as you go to the temple next day no problem at all.
The Temple-president even asks for a copy of the weddingcertificate before proceeding.

Re: Another Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:26 am
by Deepthinker
Welcome Offbeat!

Re: Another Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:36 am
by SeeNoEvil
Welcome OffBeat! I am always envious of those who find out this crazy stuff when they are young. You have just spared yourself a lot of pain and suffering by figuring it all out now before you jumped into that rabbit whole. The Families are forever theme was a huge brick on my shelf too. The whole concept just never made any sense. Secular Humanism is a beautiful way of thinking. I look forward to hearing more from you! :D

Re: Another Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:45 am
by GoodBoy
Offbeat wrote:I'm grateful for my faith transition. I feel that my mind is more open than it used to be. The world isn't as evil and wicked as I once thought.
I found this too. I like a lot more people now than I used to.
