MTC Mission Bishop...What are all of you thinking about this?

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MTC Mission Bishop...What are all of you thinking about this?

Post by Margarita » Sun Mar 25, 2018 12:43 pm light of what the church has come out with in response to the accusations of Mr. Bishop...Mission Pres. in the 1980's what are you all thinking?

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Re: MTC Mission Bishop...What are all of you thinking about this?

Post by Jeffret » Sun Mar 25, 2018 12:46 pm

I agree with what my wife said, "I'm not surprised. "

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"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see" (Charles Hart, "The Music of the Night")

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Re: MTC Mission Bishop...What are all of you thinking about this?

Post by dogbite » Sun Mar 25, 2018 1:06 pm

Turns out he was Pres of the MTC in my 8 weeks there. I remember him not at all. I do remember a number of others from my high school who "repented" in the MTC with wrist slaps for the boys. There was a particular guilt trip meeting where the lines to the ward bishop and mtc pres were long afterwards. I now suspect he was collecting mental porn.

I didn't see anything in how he interacted with females to have an opinion in that regard.

The mind game that was the MTC and the pure lack of inspiration in how the whole thing operated was probably my second shelf item. The first was the failure of moronis promise.

Ok the temple may have been second and the MTC the third.

Yes, I was a testimonyless missionary and came home the same way.

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Re: MTC Mission Bishop...What are all of you thinking about this?

Post by alas » Sun Mar 25, 2018 8:04 pm

As a sexual abuse survivor myself, who had bishops handle my end of things badly, and coddle my abusive father, I am swinging between anger, disgust, so not surprised, and wanting to curl up in a ball and wimper. The whole thing has been very triggering.

But what I think is that this man confessed to being a sexual predator before he was ever put in as MTC president, so whatever priesthood leader took that confession should have taken it seriously and passed it up the line so the man would not be put in a position to molest vulnerable women. So, on that count the church is guilty of not taking his confession seriously and keeping him out of that kind of position.

Then, when this victim first told a priesthood leader and he refused to believe her because a man that high in the church would never do such a thing, so the church is guilty of not teaching its bishops to believe women and at least pass on such a report so it can be looked into.

Then when she inquired about if anything had ever been done, the church treated her like she had no right to know. She is trying to see if the man was held accountable and removed from any position where he could abuse more women and basically the church tells her it is none of her business. So on the charge of not caring about the feelings and well being of women, the church is guilty on that charge.

Then when she threatened to shoot the guilty perp, the church reported her to the police, not the man who had molested her. Women are held accountable but not men, and the church is guilty on that charge.

Then when her lawyer says there is a tape of the perpetrator confessing, the church pushes legislation to make taping people unknowingly against the law. Cover up and make it harder for the next victim to tape a confession. Guilty and guilty.

Then when the tape is leaked, the church bad mouths the victim and says it is waiting for better proof than a confession in his own words, because we don't know for sure because because, well because we would rather not know.

The church will not do a thing to change how things are done to keep this same kind of thing from happening again, because quite frankly, they could not care any less about the well being of women or children.

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Re: MTC Mission Bishop...What are all of you thinking about this?

Post by moksha » Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:48 pm

I am thinking that the Church habit of "lying for the Lord" has nothing to do with the Lord and everything to do with covering their own butts.
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Re: MTC Mission Bishop...What are all of you thinking about this?

Post by Stig » Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:29 am

I am thinking this is another data point in the mountain evidence that says the "Gift of Discernment" is complete B.S.
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Re: MTC Mission Bishop...What are all of you thinking about this?

Post by FiveFingerMnemonic » Mon Mar 26, 2018 4:42 pm

I am thinking that church PR must be the worst job at the COB.

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Re: MTC Mission Bishop...What are all of you thinking about this?

Post by Archimedes » Sun Apr 01, 2018 10:08 pm

I'm thinking about millstones and how heavy they are. Be a real bummer to be roped up to one while it plummeted to the bottom of the sea.
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