Returning to the fold

This is for encouragement, ideas, and support for people going through a faith transition no matter where you hope to end up. This is also the place to laugh, cry, and love together.
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Returning to the fold

Post by Angel »

After a reflective Easter holiday experience, I've come to realize the profound significance of my Mormon faith in my life. The themes of renewal, rebirth, and spiritual growth echoed throughout the chocolate coated celebrations resonated deeply with me, prompting a reevaluation of my beliefs and values. As I return to Mormonism, I am drawn back to the comforting familiarity of its teachings, community support, and the sense of purpose it provides. This journey back reaffirms my commitment to living a life guided by the principles of following a man clearly led by god, the only source to guide my spiritual journey and strengthening my connection to God and fellow believers.

Happy April 1 everyone.
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Re: Returning to the fold

Post by Palerider » had me going for a full 10 seconds. I was feeling so badly for you but....."if that makes you happy, then do what you need to do." :|

(Quietly praying, "DON'T DO IT, DON'T DO IT :!: :!: :!: ")

Thank goodness for April fools day....
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Re: Returning to the fold

Post by jfro18 »

For a second I thought you were going to have a nice spot on the LDS speaking tour circuit. :lol:
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Re: Returning to the fold

Post by Lem »

Lol. Well done. I also saw a post yesterday stating there had been a sighting of the recently-declared-extinct ivory-billed woodpecker.

Two equally likely events, apparently! :mrgreen:
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Re: Returning to the fold

Post by Conman52 »

Haha. You had me going for a couple of seconds !!!!!
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Re: Returning to the fold

Post by Angel »

I was sooo tempted to post that to my social media, but realized only a small % now would get it (most of my current connections are now nevermo- don't know my history).

I've never known any x's who have returned. If that happened - if one of my kids wanted to return or something - ugh, would be a real punch in the guts.

Hope everyone made it through the holidays with plenty of chocolate - I got chocolate covered coffee beans in my basket this year :)
“You have learned something...That always feels at first as if you have lost something.” George Bernard Shaw
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Re: Returning to the fold

Post by Hagoth »

Well, you really got me because I'm seeing it for the first time on April 3rd. Good one.
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Re: Returning to the fold

Post by moksha »

This parallels the Backyard Professor's story of the LDS Church buying Westminster Abby and turning it into a Mormon Temple.
Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
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