Great op-ed in the Trib today

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Spicy McHaggis
Posts: 290
Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:14 pm

Great op-ed in the Trib today

Post by Spicy McHaggis » ... ch-deserve

I loved this quote. It works both ways, TBMs won't convince us to change our beliefs and likewise if we push our TBM family members too hard, we won't convince them to change.
Decades of social science research attest to how the human mind resists deliberate attempts by others to change our opinions and beliefs. In fact, there is a corollary phenomenon to confirmation bias, known as the Backfire Effect: Simply put, when someone with deeply held beliefs is presented with a counter-argument, their beliefs are strengthened rather than weakened. So there's a very practical reason to stop trying to convince others: it has the opposite effect
edit: Oops, I see it's already been posted on another thread regarding the horrible editorial in the Desperate News.
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