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You gotta laugh

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:47 pm
by Newme
Tonight I was thinking of someone very Mormon who I’ll see tomorrow & some other stuff just brought up some anger, sadness etc. So, I tried a few things to cope, finally landing on this... and tears were rolling... :D

Thank you, lady, for helping me consider that fitting into an insane cult isn’t “all that.”

Any other good laughs?

Re: You gotta laugh

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 6:21 am
by TestimonyLost2
I don't know about Mormon-related humor, but I've been watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as my tonic lately to cope with a lot of work stress/anxiety. There's nothing wholesome about it but the shenanigans the gang gets up to always have me laughing until I cry.