Science proves it's true

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Science proves it's true

Post by Monomo »

I went to an open house event at our local mosque this last weekend. One of the women was explaining why they wear hijabs or niqabs. She explained that they do not know why God commands it, but they are only want to be obedient to him. She explained that no one is forced to wear them, but it is an outward expression of obedience. Here's the kicker, she and another woman explained that scientists have proven that women are more prone to skin cancer. By women covering up, skin cancer in Arab countries is almost nil. That helped her understand that her beliefs are true.

I almost felt like I was in a mormon testimony meeting.
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Re: Science proves it's true

Post by FiveFingerMnemonic »

Yes the science justifications when they agree with tenets are heavily used. I was handed a big packet of Islamic publications once while in the middle east. It talked about the miracle of conception and how Allah designed it all perfectly. Very fascinating to look at the same methodology for supporting differing ideology.
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