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The New Deseret Magazine- 3 Stars

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:47 pm
by deacon blues
We just got the new "Deseret Magazine" yesterday in the mail. Don't confuse this with the "Liahona" which replaces "The Ensign." This is a spin-off of the "Deseret News" newspaper, and it appears once every two months. It had a good set of articles about the current political turmoil. People such as Jeff Flake (former U.S. Senator from Arizona), Marion Edmonds Allen (LGBT activist), Gabby Giffords (former U.S. Representative from Arizona, and shooting survivor), along with Mitt Romney and Mike Lee, who probably need no introduction, share their thoughts on the political divide and how to find solutions. It also had articles about T.V. show "The Bachelor," :o Abby Huntsman (Jon Huntsman's daughter), and K.C. Chiefs coach Mike Reid. I liked some of the articles. If I was rating it I'd give it 3 stars out of 5, at least for the first issue.

Re: The New Deseret Magazine- 3 Stars

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:36 am
by deacon blues