#6 I Will Tell You ........By The Holy Ghost

Discussions about holding onto your faith and beliefs, whether by staying LDS or by exploring and participating in other churches or faiths. The belief in any higher power (including God, Christ, Buddha, or Jedi) is true in this forum. Be kind to others.
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Re: #6 I Will Tell You ........By The Holy Ghost

Post by dogbite » Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:43 pm

It's always been a failure for me to get an answer about or to prayer or confirmation of the BoM truthiness.

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deacon blues
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Re: #6 I Will Tell You ........By The Holy Ghost

Post by deacon blues » Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:10 pm

I think you have made a very good point Dravin. Making a decision one way or the other could make one feel a comforting "burning bosom" sensation. I have had that feeling but I recognized it as happiness because of the approval of others; and it had nothing to do with the Book of Mormon.

Ironically, the most clear feeling of a "burning bosom" I have ever had came when my anti-depressant medicine finally kicked in.
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Re: #6 I Will Tell You ........By The Holy Ghost

Post by Bremguy » Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:52 pm

MerrieMiss wrote:
Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:09 pm
This being said, I did believe the church was true on some level, but I never had confirmation that the Book of Mormon was. I always thought I was the only mormon in the world who had trouble that book. If only I had the internet back then....
I am the same way. I still believe the Church is possibly true on some level, which one, I don't know. But it may be in the ordinary members of the church in the goodness most seem to possess. I won't give the upper levels of the church the same credit.
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Re: #6 I Will Tell You ........By The Holy Ghost

Post by Keewon » Sat Apr 08, 2023 5:08 pm

Emower wrote:I have been trying to be a force for progressiveness in SS this year.
Boulder, meet Sysiphus. Sysiphus, Boulder.

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