GC wish list !!!

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GC wish list !!!

Post by Conman52 »

I haven't seen a GC wish list for a while I thought we might want to share. I wish for the word of wisdom to be relaxed to allow coffee & tea consumption. I also wish for financial transparency. How about everyone else ???
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by Ghost »

A new revelation that clarifies and expands upon the descriptions of the afterlife found in scripture.

But there will likely be nothing new other than mundane policy changes until the end of time.
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by alas »

Ghost wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 3:57 pm A new revelation that clarifies and expands upon the descriptions of the afterlife found in scripture.

But there will likely be nothing new other than mundane policy changes until the end of time.
Especially I would wish for that new revelation to expand specifically on what is it that women do for eternity while their husband/god creates his planet. The only thing anyone can currently guess is that women are going to be eternally pregnant, popping out enough spirit children for him to populate his planet. Which to any woman who has actually experienced pregnancy, well, sounds like fire and brimstone is superior to an eternity of morning sickness puking. Nope to the pregnancy business. My husband’s world is going to be populated with nothing but plants, or he can jolly well find himself a second wife. And he knows I don’t do pregnancy, so it won’t shock him much when I tell him that I prefer “servant” status to eternal pregnancy. I will be in charge of designing flowers, trees, vegetables, and poisons. Poisons are especially fun to get to design. Find things that taste yummy and are deadly. And just imagine trying out different colors for flowers, and of course, in the CK I can decide to see ultra violet, so I can see the fun colors that humans are blind to, cause hey, we won’t be human. Or rocks. I will be in charge of rock formations, and carving grand canyons and wind eroded sandstone, and sand dunes.

Chances of that kind of revelation? Less than zero.

What I do predict is that women will get a chewing out over that instagram post that didn’t go over well, and we will be told than not only are we out of line criticizing the Lord’s anointed, we are out of line criticizing the women who work for the Lord’s anointed even though they are such lesser beings as to be unworthy of anointing.
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by nibbler »

I'll do my usual prediction that's a play on a quote from Groundhog Day.

I'll give you a conference prediction: It's gonna be derivative, it's gonna be boring, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life.
alas wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:20 pm The only thing anyone can currently guess is that women are going to be eternally pregnant, popping out enough spirit children for him to populate his planet.
Which is especially strange considering that mortals pop out mortal babies but resurrected beings supposedly pop out spirit children... for some reason.
Conman52 wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:04 pmI wish for the word of wisdom to be relaxed to allow coffee & tea consumption.
I hope for that too. I wouldn't start drinking either but then again, I wouldn't wait for the ban to be lifted if I wanted to start drinking them. Still, I see the ban causing a lot of unnecessary heartache. God deems someone unworthy of blessings because they drink coffee? It's either a stupid rule humans made up or god isn't as worthy of hanging out with as we're lead to believe.

I don't know that I have a wish for General Conference. Given conferences in the past, doing so only sets me up for disappointment. That said, I'd like to see the order of succession nuked from orbit, ward budgets = ward budgets x 100, women ordained to offices in the priesthood and given keys in the priesthood, same sex/gender sealings.

A more realistic wish? Maybe 20 more temples to water them down even further and to further highlight how the church has warped priorities.
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by Angel »

My GC wish is to have special guests -

Pope Francis -
The Dalai Lama -
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei - (Shia Islam)
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I - (Eastern Orthodox Church)
... all of them - standing together with choir singing Imagine by J.Lennon

Imagine a short service, just one song, followed by encouragement to go do some real volunteer work, that all church buildings were being converted to refugee and homeless shelters, the dissolution of all heirarchies replaced with self-reliance and everyone only having authority over themselves.

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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by Just This Guy »

Ghost wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 3:57 pm A [...] revelation

Just that. And I'd be amazed with just that. An actual, verifiable revelation. I don't actually care what is is about, but some communication from deity.

I'm not holding my breath.
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by Hagoth »

I only wish for two things:

1- A so-called-prophet-seer-and-revelator telling wives that their husbands are no less worthy of love and respect because they don't go around waving imaginary Harry Potter wands.

2- A so-called-prophet-seer-and-revelator spontaneously revealing that he has come to a realization that the church narrative, doctrine, and authority structure are just as fraudulent as its financial dealings, and calling for a complete overhaul.

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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by Linked »

I wish that they would double down on the crazy and fully embrace it to push out all the sane people. Maybe reinstate polygamy. Or canonize "Visions of Glory". Or ban meat again. Get more homophobic and racist and misogynistic to wake people up.
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by wtfluff »

Linked wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 10:48 am I wish that they would double down on the crazy and fully embrace it to push out all the sane people. Maybe reinstate polygamy. Or canonize "Visions of Glory". Or ban meat again. Get more homophobic and racist and misogynistic to wake people up.
Probably not gonna happen in GC, but when that Oaks guy gets to take over the biggest, softest reddest CEO chair, your wish might come true.
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by Just This Guy »

I forgot about CG coming up. I have a bunch of family medical issues and this weekend I will be taking the family out of town to go see the eclipse. Hey, it's a once in a life time event to see, and I only live a few hours from the path of totality. I am not missing this.

I do wonder what will get more hype. Conference or the eclipse? Outside of Mormon circles it will be the eclipse without question.
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by moksha »

Telling the young adults that if they won't get behind the Brethren's war against the LGBTQ community, they should continue to leave the Church in droves.
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by lostinmiddlemormonism »

Just one wish…


That is all

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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by moksha »

Nemo the Mormon has an upcoming podcast on predicting the April 2024 General Conference:

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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by 2bizE »

I would live to hear some actual confessions and apologies from general authorities.
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by Cnsl1 »

I think I'll wish for such a boring and uneventful conf that I don't hear anything about it from friends, family, or social media.

Just some of the same ol boring talks and oh yeah more temples.
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by moksha »

The Britvengers have given their predictions:


Nemo the Mormon is planning to do a half-hour review of each session. RFM also did a conference wrap-up last year.
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Re: GC wish list !!!

Post by MoPag »

I want Brad Wilcox to give a talk and go off the f-cking rails!!!!! Like start shouting batshit crazy stuff and making those stupid a$$ faces he always makes.

Please Conference Gods make it happen!!!!
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