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by alas
Sun Sep 01, 2024 11:08 am
Forum: Support
Topic: Sacred Restrooms
Replies: 10
Views: 3762

Re: Sacred Restrooms

I have ranted before about how the church claims zero tolerance for abuse, and then sends a known teen molester to girls camp with a pickup load of equipment and leaves him totally unsupervised while he is there, and when a girl who is a neighbor says, “I want to ride home with brother molester.” Th...
by alas
Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:08 am
Forum: Support
Topic: LDS Guesstimates
Replies: 16
Views: 4665

Re: LDS Guesstimates

One super righteous Elder to preside, one wife to change the bulb, and thirty-eight sister-wives to be barefoot and in the kitchen. I was thinking along the lines of 17 million. One to change the lightbulb, and 16,999,999 to claim that the bulb was never changed. I thought it would take 2, but the ...
by alas
Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:40 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: LDS Guesstimates
Replies: 16
Views: 4665

Re: LDS Guesstimates

How many wives does God have. Just one. She is monogamous.
by alas
Sun Aug 11, 2024 8:16 pm
Forum: Doctrinal Discussion
Topic: JS Polygamy deniers?
Replies: 13
Views: 8900

Re: JS Polygamy deniers?

Are the deniers offering the rationale that Joseph was a serial adulterer rather than a polygamist as Alas suggested? No, they just pretend he wasn’t caught with his pants down by his wife in the barn. They ignore Oliver Cowdry accusing him of adultery. They totally ignore the whole Fanny Alger sit...
by alas
Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:32 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Cosplay Pioneers
Replies: 13
Views: 7558

Re: Cosplay Pioneers

Fascinating insights, Alas! So, as the medical officer in the company she told the male leaders to order the women to shorten their skirts to knee length. The brethren were scandalized, but did as their medical officer told them. Only time the brethren had to order the women to be “immodest” accord...
by alas
Fri Aug 02, 2024 1:35 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Cosplay Pioneers
Replies: 13
Views: 7558

Re: Cosplay Pioneers

My FIL/MIL served a three summer mission tour in the Deseret Land & Livestock Mission. They bought an RV trailer and each summer pulled it up to Wyoming and lived in it. Their mission was to lead and support the weekly youth treks. They drove golf cart/side by side vehicles around. Cleaning porta p...
by alas
Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:40 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Sunday Reflections
Replies: 3
Views: 2399

Re: Sunday Reflections

We forgot it was even Sunday and went for a drive around Bear Lake. Stopped at East beach state park, and had a picnic. Weather was perfect. Mid 70s, clear sky except for a tiny bit of smoke from a wildfire in California. Lake a pretty turquoise. Much better than church.
by alas
Wed Jul 03, 2024 12:01 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Righteous Corecion
Replies: 14
Views: 7363

Re: Righteous Corecion

I also wanted to note that by limiting honorable excuses to not serve to poor health or disability, that implies that all other reasons for not serving are dishonorable. While LDSinc. may say that health and disability are honorable reasons to not go, reality is a different matter. I know several p...
by alas
Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:05 am
Forum: Doctrinal Discussion
Topic: JS Polygamy deniers?
Replies: 13
Views: 8900

Re: JS Polygamy deniers?

And if Brigham concocted this complicated plot f getting all kinds of women to swear under oath that they married and had sex with Joseph, why oh why not make it more believable by having Joseph actually obey the rules set forth in D&C? But no, the “plot” is so full of unbelievable holes with actual...
by alas
Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:42 am
Forum: Support
Topic: More Second Class Saints....
Replies: 8
Views: 3440

Re: More Second Class Saints....

I was reading the new Matt Harris book Second Class Saints, and it made me think about how the Church, and the concept of three heavens makes a segregated society. I'm reminded of Jesus's Parable of the Sowers, where all the workers are paid equally. the statement the last shall be first also comes...
by alas
Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:11 am
Forum: Doctrinal Discussion
Topic: The Fall was Good?
Replies: 2
Views: 2102

Re: The Fall was Good?

Lately the Algorithm God has been sending me videos of carnivores in the wild bringing down their prey. Often the prey is the newborn, or weakest member of the herd. Try watching some of these "death in nature" scenes- for example: a newly born fawn brought down by a pack of wolves. How can the Mor...
by alas
Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:02 am
Forum: Doctrinal Discussion
Topic: Families CAN be together forever also means they CAN'T
Replies: 12
Views: 4428

Re: Families CAN be together forever also means they CAN'T

Preach Hagoth. This perspective is difficult to come to from the inside though. It seems so positive, that God made it so we can be together! The assumption here is that families would be scattered apart by Satan or nature without God's kind plan. But it's God's plan, not Satan's, and it includes s...
by alas
Wed May 29, 2024 1:34 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Buckle up for AI "evidence"
Replies: 13
Views: 4696

Re: Buckle up for AI "evidence"

It will be awhile before humans trust AI. And this distrust will be magnified by the far right, just like they try now to promote distrust of science. People generally distrust things they do not understand. And more and more people are being left behind because education is so expensive, and high s...
by alas
Sat May 18, 2024 11:34 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: What happens to the Honest Mormon?
Replies: 7
Views: 2756

Re: What happens to the Honest Mormon?

Haven’t you ever heard that steeples pointing up are phallic symbols? The higher the steeple, the better the reception on the priesthood antenna. You have a building with no steeple, you may as well give the priesthood to women. Very much having good steeples is part of our doctrine, more a part f o...
by alas
Thu May 02, 2024 11:01 am
Forum: Doctrinal Discussion
Topic: Evolution of God.
Replies: 4
Views: 2757

Re: Evolution of God.

There you go again, trying to apply logic to religion.
by alas
Thu May 02, 2024 10:58 am
Forum: Support
Topic: Today was a hard day !
Replies: 20
Views: 7672

Re: Today was a hard day !

My husband at one point admitted that if he had been treated the way the church treated me over my father being a child molester, that he would have left the church. But when I finally reached that point, he still considered divorcing me. So, spouses can fully understand your reasons, and still feel...
by alas
Thu May 02, 2024 10:32 am
Forum: Support
Topic: Psychics & Ballards
Replies: 7
Views: 2116

Re: Psychics & Ballards

My MIL was into some of the psychic stuff and saw no conflict with her Mormon beliefs. But she was also into NDE and seeing her dead relatives and other kinds of woo woo. And the more you know about Joseph Smith and the crazy stuff he was into, it is not so far fetched to understand Mormons into psy...
by alas
Thu May 02, 2024 10:25 am
Forum: Support
Topic: How to respond to believing spouse?
Replies: 28
Views: 9187

Re: How to respond to believing spouse?

I agree with the idea of “don’t make it about the church, make it about the child.” If your child was receiving a diploma from school and the tradition was that the father hand him the diploma, you would be happy to follow tradition, even if the school wasn’t your alma mater. If he was getting a dri...
by alas
Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:14 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Today was a hard day !
Replies: 20
Views: 7672

Re: Today was a hard day !

I understand that. I did it for years. So, it really does help to remind yourself why you are doing it. You just keep in mind that you love her more than you hate the church. And make sure you do happy things with each other to keep you loving her more than you hate the church. But, as Pale Rider sa...
by alas
Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:44 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Today was a hard day !
Replies: 20
Views: 7672

Re: Today was a hard day !

I don’t get triggered as much when I do attend, which isn’t often. I think I would be more bothered if I was going all the time to keep a spouse happy. As it is, I was a church just before Christmas in our son’s ward, where his family was 3/4 the program. Special musical number with my granddaughter...