Conflicting Statements from Elder Ballard?

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Conflicting Statements from Elder Ballard?

Post by consiglieri » Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:59 am

It is one thing to find statements between different general authorities, and even apostles, that seem to contradict each other.

It is another thing to find statements from the same general authority that seem to contradict each other.

Especially when those statements are given within weeks of each other.

Here are four public statements by Elder Ballard that I am having difficulty reconciling.
Elder Ballard CES Address, February 29, 2016

Gone are the days when a student asked an honest question and a teacher responded, ‘Don’t worry about it!’ Gone are the days when a student raised a sincere concern and a teacher bore his or her testimony as a response intended to avoid the issue. Gone are the days when students were protected from people who attacked the Church.
Elder Ballard October 2017 General Conference

Be aware of organizations, groups, or individuals claiming secret answers to doctrinal questions that they say today’s apostles and prophets do not have or understand.
Young Single Adult Face-to-Face Promotional Video (early November, 2017)

Elder Ballard says that, to be honest, the apostles do not have answers to all the questions being asked by young single adults. Those are the questions they avoid.
Elder Ballard 11-14-17 BYU Devotional Address

I am a general authority but that doesn’t make me an authority in general,” he then quipped. “I worry that members expect too much from their leaders and teachers, expecting them to be experts [in areas and topics] well beyond their expertise. If you have a question that requires an expert, please take the time to find an expert to help you.
Especially strange to me is the October 2017 General Conference warning to be aware of people who claim to have answers to doctrinal questions that the apostles do not have, when juxtaposed with the 11-14-17 BYU Devotional Address in which Elder Ballard admits the leaders are not experts in various areas and advocating people consult an expert.

This last actually appears to be in the context of doctrinal questions, as he goes on to answer some of them in the 11-14-17 talk.


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Re: Conflicting Statements from Elder Ballard?

Post by Hagoth » Mon Nov 20, 2017 1:30 pm

I think it is especially interesting that he is more or less commanding the CES instructors to answer the tough questions out of one side of his mouth while saying, "don't look at me to for answers" out of the other. Where does he suppose those instructors will go for their answers? Personal revelation? That will get his buddy Elder Oaks on their case for going rogue and not relying on the revelation of The Brethren, who we were just told don't have the answers. And round and round we go. Jane, stop this crazy thing!
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Re: Conflicting Statements from Elder Ballard?

Post by Palerider » Mon Nov 20, 2017 2:39 pm

I don't know what Ballard's professional background is, but hopefully he was an expert in his chosen area and if I need to know something about "business" or "law" or "finance" or whatever it was, I could go to him and he could help me.

Unfortunately the area of expertise I was looking for would have been one that I would expect an Apostle of Christ to be proficient in. You know, questions about the restoration of the Gospel.

Despite his attempt to beg off at not being very good at his calling, I think he is being too modest here. It is his duty to know and to grow into his calling just as they tell us when we accept callings in the church. "Don't worry if you aren't an expert, just apply yourself and the Lord will fill in where you are weak and you will get stronger and stronger in your calling." Simple, right? Besides, he has much bigger keys than I or some "expert" who has great learning (whom we are constantly warned to avoid) could ever have. He has the direct line to the Lord, right? Revelation!

Unless.......his definition of being an authority is more analogous to being a policeman or maybe a judge.

Which means he can tell you what you're doing wrong and how to do it right. Such as: Go to church, believe what we tell you, pay your tithing, read the BofM (but don't ask how it came to be), don't beat your spouse or children, don't lie, don't cheat (especially on your tithing), ..........well, you get the picture.

Is that the kind of authority he is? But I can get all of that from the scriptures, so why do I need him if he can't get real revelation???? :shock:
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Re: Conflicting Statements from Elder Ballard?

Post by nibbler » Mon Nov 20, 2017 3:11 pm

Elder Ballard October 2017 General Conference

Be aware of organizations, groups, or individuals claiming secret answers to doctrinal questions that they say today’s apostles and prophets do not have or understand.
Translation: Don't join the Snufferites.
Alternate translation: Respect my authoritah.
Elder Ballard 11-14-17 BYU Devotional Address

I am a general authority but that doesn’t make me an authority in general,” he then quipped. “I worry that members expect too much from their leaders and teachers, expecting them to be experts [in areas and topics] well beyond their expertise. If you have a question that requires an expert, please take the time to find an expert to help you.

I think the bigger problem is that church leaders expect too much from their members, expecting them to be perfect well beyond what is possible for humans.

But go on, blame the member for having faith in the 5th of the 14 fundamentals of following the prophet that you taught them.
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Re: Conflicting Statements from Elder Ballard?

Post by Emower » Mon Nov 20, 2017 3:44 pm

nibbler wrote:
Mon Nov 20, 2017 3:11 pm
Elder Ballard 11-14-17 BYU Devotional Address

I am a general authority but that doesn’t make me an authority in general,” he then quipped. “I worry that members expect too much from their leaders and teachers, expecting them to be experts [in areas and topics] well beyond their expertise. If you have a question that requires an expert, please take the time to find an expert to help you.

I think the bigger problem is that church leaders expect too much from their members, expecting them to be perfect well beyond what is possible for humans.

But go on, blame the member for having faith in the 5th of the 14 fundamentals of following the prophet that you taught them.
Yeah, unless those "experts" say anything that may hurt the church narrative. Then please do not listen to what they say.

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