Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

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Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by MerrieMiss » Fri May 11, 2018 6:10 pm

My faith crisis took a long time. I was on the slow burn. For a few years I slowly examined a lot of things and kept or jettisoned everything I questioned. One of my big issues was "the spirit." I'd had so few spiritual experiences. I never got warm burnings, or goosebumps, or felt the ned to cry. The only spiritual experiences I ever had were clarity of thought.

For a while I was in this progressive mormon phase and I came to the conclusion that the Holy Ghost isn't a spirit without a body who will get one someday. It isn't Heavenly Mother. It's me. We're all our own Holy Ghost. Heavenly Father, Jesus and me make up the godhead.

It made so much sense to me. If I lived before and had special knowledge that I had forgotten, "the spirit" was really my subconscious, the part of me that could remember, who was telling me what I already knew but couldn't always access.

I don't believe in a premortal life anymore, and I'm uncertain about after death. I don't believe in the divinity of god and Jesus. I do believe that that little voice that tells me things is me though. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I always had the power/ability to guide myself.

I still think that including one's self in the godhead, to give yourself that power to commune with and be a part of the divine, to understand yourself, is a beautiful idea. Far more beautiful than the Holy Ghost being some guy (presumably) who somehow got chosen not to have a body, but guide and comfort everyone on earth, simultaneously through his influence, but individually because he's a singular personage, and only to Mormons because they have the Gift of the HG, but to other people in a kind of general way, but not at raucous parties or when swear words are used...(see how bizarre this doctrine is?)

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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by asa » Fri May 11, 2018 6:22 pm

I absolutely agree with you. Seriously.Look at the 5th Lecture of Faith and you will see JS agrees with you also.As does Paul and Enoch.. In the unlikely event anyone is interested I can provide the scriptural evidence in support of your conclusion ps nice Audubon print.

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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by DPRoberts » Fri May 11, 2018 10:06 pm

asa wrote:
Fri May 11, 2018 6:22 pm
I absolutely agree with you. Seriously.Look at the 5th Lecture of Faith and you will see JS agrees with you also.As does Paul and Enoch.. In the unlikely event anyone is interested I can provide the scriptural evidence in support of your conclusion ps nice Audubon print.
Yes, I would like to see the supporting evidence you have.

Not that I need it. My disaffection has taught me that whatever "the spirit" is, it does not conform to Mormon rules. I still have as much or more of "it" as I ever had or felt, even though I am several answers short of temple worthy. Actually I think I am more spiritual than I ever was even with my agnostic/atheistic leanings. My own subconscious seems as good an explanation as any for what we call the spirit. And I see value in being a spiritual person without the supernatural. I still have some very profound experiences that I consider to be spiritual, even though I realize that what is really happening may just be my getting in touch with my deepest intuitions.
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by Reuben » Sat May 12, 2018 12:57 am

MerrieMiss wrote:
Fri May 11, 2018 6:10 pm
but not at raucous parties or when swear words are used...(see how bizarre this doctrine is?)
I stopped believing this particular bit of BS somewhere in the long lead-up to my FC.

"Sorry, Alma and Amulek, but Zeezrom here has offended me. You’re on your own, guys!"

"Jesus, these Pharisees… I can’t even. Gotta fly. Good luck on the forgiving of sins and healing!"

I like your overall idea, though. So would that make the gift of the HG being more in touch with your own spirit?
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by Hagoth » Sat May 12, 2018 7:02 am

Dr. Michael Ferguson was talking about the physiological components of "the spirit" recently on Gina Colvin's podcast. Definitely worth a listen. If you're not familiar with his work, he's the guy who put retruned missionaries in an FMRI scanner and helped them create a spiritual experience, and then captured a snapshot of their "feeling the spirit" brain activity. He did the same with people of other faiths and he has found that "the spirit" appears to be a specific condition of blood flow in the brain. He explains it as classical Pavlovian conditioning in which a lifetime of indoctrination has conditioned your brain to respond in an affirming way to certain sights, sounds, voices, manners of speaking, combinations of words, etc.

I have always thought of it as a feedback loop. You hear something that you were indoctrinated to believe to be true and highly important and your brain gives you a burst of chemical reward that strengthens your belief. The benefit is that it keeps you in line with the tribe.

But I have noticed a completely different type of "feeling the spirit" that I would love to discuss with Dr. Ferguson. My experience with praying for spiritual confirmation (i.e. truth test) has often been the opposite of what I expected. I got a "stupor of thought" when I prayed about the restoration and, although I could never get Moroni's promise to work for the BoM, I did get a spiritual confirmation about B. H. Robert's Studies in the Book of Mormon. This leads me to believe that "the spirit" can also reveal to you things that you already figured out at a deeper level but haven't been able to admit to yourself.

BTW, Dr. Ferguson will be in SLC for a "Science of the Soul Brain Camp" if anybody wants to join me: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brain-camp ... tpassword=
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by blazerb » Sat May 12, 2018 10:19 am

I really like this. It takes my thoughts quite a bit further. Just before my shelf shattered, I had thought a lot about presiding. There are all these people who appeared to be presiding over my: my quorum president, my bishop, my stake president, etc. I then came to the conclusion that I preside over myself. These others may preside over groups that I belong to, but I have ultimate say over my own actions and beliefs. I love the idea of taking that farther and becoming a partner with god, whoever that may be. I feel a little more free after reading this.

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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by Palerider » Sat May 12, 2018 5:16 pm

Interactions with the Holy Ghost are most likely limited in this day and age. Obviously the ancient Apostles had the authority to give the reception of the Holy Ghost to those who were prepared to receive it.

Even the New Testament writings attribute the writings of the prophets of ancient Israel to the Holy Ghost. Thus it's reception may not have been limited to the parameters set by the LDS faith.

But Paul and others indicate that the Light of Christ or our inherent "conscience" is also an operation of God's working with mankind.

See Romans 2:14-15

"For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15. Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness...."

Also John 1:9

"That (Christ) was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world."

So in essence, we each have inherently in our "spiritual DNA" a conscience that is attuned to God's character, which conscience makes evil repugnant to us and aids in guiding us towards God throughout our lives. So in a real sense we are connected to the Godhead.

For the vast majority of people that means they have an innate desire to do the right thing whether they actually believe in God or not. They may or may not go about it the right way but in general their intentions are good.
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by Random » Tue May 15, 2018 6:37 pm

MerrieMiss wrote:
Fri May 11, 2018 6:10 pm
For a while I was in this progressive mormon phase and I came to the conclusion that the Holy Ghost isn't a spirit without a body who will get one someday. It isn't Heavenly Mother. It's me. We're all our own Holy Ghost. Heavenly Father, Jesus and me make up the godhead.
I completely agree with you. I believe that the spirit inside each one of us is the Holy Ghost. There is something inside of us that has the ability to keep our molecules together, that makes up our cells, that regenerates and heals us. That's the physical level, but on a spiritual or mystical level, I think there's a "higher self" inside of us that is our connection to God (the Holy Ghost). I think listening to its voice and impressions can help us a great deal in our lives. Whether the intelligence that creates/keeps the body together is the same intelligence that seems to know everything and that can warn and help us are one thing, I don't know - but they could be.
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by asa » Wed May 16, 2018 6:32 pm

DPRoberts wrote:
Fri May 11, 2018 10:06 pm
asa wrote:
Fri May 11, 2018 6:22 pm
I absolutely agree with you. Seriously.Look at the 5th Lecture of Faith and you will see JS agrees with you also.As does Paul and Enoch.. In the unlikely event anyone is interested I can provide the scriptural evidence in support of your conclusion ps nice Audubon print.
Yes, I would like to see the supporting evidence you
Sorry for the delay but look at1Corth 6:9 “we are the temple of the HG”;Moses 6:61,66 ;Ehat WOfJS p245 the H G is on probation and if faithful will go through a course similar to the Savior’s ; Joseph Smith “the HG is within me”TPJS p3Lecture of Faith 5 paragraphs 2 the Father and the Son possess the same mind” which mind is the HG”. In my view it speaks well of you that you have come this far. Keep up the good work . Ther are more discoveries to be made.

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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by moksha » Thu May 17, 2018 4:56 am

MerrieMiss wrote:
Fri May 11, 2018 6:10 pm
It's me. We're all our own Holy Ghost.
A rare view of MerrieMiss's Kirlian aura.
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by Hagoth » Thu May 17, 2018 8:33 am

I remember in my early primary days thinking this was the Holy Ghost:

Oddly enough, his Kirlian aura looks like this:
“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain

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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by deacon blues » Thu May 17, 2018 12:01 pm

I'll be a devil's advocate here. Who is Mark Hoffman's (or any other Psychopath's) Holy Ghost? Did he ever have one? Did he ignore it, and then it went away?
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by asa » Thu May 17, 2018 5:57 pm

OK I will take a stab at it. He has one since he is or was a living soul (body and spirit united ) but in the same way we can refuse to connect with other aspects of our ourselves ( our feelings ,our intellect ,our empathy ) we can refuse to connect with that element within us which is eternal . Our eternal spirit " the record of heaven .the Comforter,... that which knoweth all things " which abides in us . Moses 6:61. Connecting in fact is hard. To paraphrase Joseph Smith it requires time and effort and deep and ponderous thoughts to connect to it and lead a soul to heaven. None but fools trifle with the souls of men

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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by Gatorbait » Thu May 17, 2018 7:22 pm

Good comments on an interesting difficult topic.

I'm agreeing with a lot of stuff I'm reading here. The HG has been this enigma that I've never been satisfied with an answer on from anyone- ever. I put it right up with Mary the Mother of Jesus- who in the world gets pregnant when you are engaged- and you are a virgin. Hmm and how do you know she is a virgin? And so on and so forth? Really? What if your daughter gets engaged and comes up to you, ah, Dad....ah....I'm heavy with child. I digress....sorry. Silly stuff.

I'll go along with the author of this thread and I feel sort of the same way.

Who was it, Lincoln? who said, "When I do good things I feel good. When I don't do good things I or do bad things- I feel bad." (words to that effect) At least he was given credit for it- but there is truth in that. We don't need a mysterious ghost to tell us when we are a creep, a cheat or a liar. We don't need a piece of paper in our wallet that says we are "worthy". Worthy of what? When we lie, cheat and steal we feel awful. When someone lies, steals and cheats us we also don't feel all that shiny either.... which is why some of us feel that if there was a HG, why did he allow "The Church" to spread lies left right and center?

Flip-side- When we are kind we feel great. When we do good things we are happy. Nothing was ever more simple than that.

Good post. Jolly good. Thanks
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by deacon blues » Sun May 20, 2018 6:38 am

I'm reminded of the story of Pinnochio. Carlo Collodi, the author of the story is quoted as saying, "A conscience is that still small voice that people won't listen to." I recall a talk given in 1977 by Marion G. Romney, that says our conscience is the first phase of "the light of Christ" and that it is given to everyone. The second phase is the "gift of the Holy Ghost", and the third phase is "the more sure word of prophecy." As I pondered that talk my 'skeptical self' asked the question, "could the second and third phase just be levels of indoctrination?" My reasoning was influenced by the observation that some things that didn't sinful to my conscience, were considered sinful by the church. One such thing was doing farm work on Sunday, beyond the necessary daily chores. 'My Mormon self' would teach people that any work on Sunday was a sin, but my conscience (no doubt influenced by my hard- working Dad) felt that in some cases, work that needed to be done should be done on Sundays.

So could the "Gift of the Holy Ghost" really be our conscience enhanced by teachings of the LDS church, apart from any supernatural influence? As I re-read the opening post by MerrieMiss, I find it even more intriguing. :?:

And I'll second Gatorbait's question-- why don't LDS leaders seem to feel the pangs of conscience when they "lie for the Lord" -- or "carefully word" their denials? --or perhaps they do. :o
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by moksha » Sun May 20, 2018 7:27 am

Gatorbait wrote:
Thu May 17, 2018 7:22 pm
Who was it, Lincoln? who said, "When I do good things I feel good. When I don't do good things I or do bad things- I feel bad."
Probably either Lincoln or Jessica Rabbit. Jessica wasn't actually bad, she was just drawn that way after she turned down a proposition from Joseph.
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by Corsair » Mon May 21, 2018 8:10 am

moksha wrote:
Sun May 20, 2018 7:27 am
Gatorbait wrote:
Thu May 17, 2018 7:22 pm
Who was it, Lincoln? who said, "When I do good things I feel good. When I don't do good things I or do bad things- I feel bad."
Probably either Lincoln or Jessica Rabbit. Jessica wasn't actually bad, she was just drawn that way after she turned down a proposition from Joseph.
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by RubinHighlander » Mon May 21, 2018 4:36 pm

And after reading this thread I know have this song stuck in my head, of which I used to think was so evil, but now resonates as truth. But I would change the words to "BE your own personal Jesus"

I like the Johnny Cash cover:

Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus

Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there
Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver
Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus
Reach out and touch faith
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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by MerrieMiss » Mon May 21, 2018 8:43 pm

asa wrote:
Fri May 11, 2018 6:22 pm
I absolutely agree with you. Seriously.Look at the 5th Lecture of Faith and you will see JS agrees with you also.As does Paul and Enoch.. In the unlikely event anyone is interested I can provide the scriptural evidence in support of your conclusion ps nice Audubon print.
I'm not sure I entirely agree with you, but I appreciate the sentiment. In fact, reading Lecture No.5 left me thinking how much the church really
just doesn't answer any real questions where the spirit is concerned. Even the Fair article just goes round and round. I mean, it's supposed to be about the godhead, but other than saying that the spirit is "the mind" of god and christ, I'm not really sure what that's supposed to mean - it seems very up to interpretation. Taking the other scriptures you mention into account, it still seems very up to interpretation, which I guess is why I came to the conclusion I did. Why not have the HG be me? There really doesn't seem to be any direct scriptural reason that can't be so since everything is so very, very, vague. (Note:that Fair article is CRAZY conflating embodiment, spirit, spiritual, and who knows what else. I'd forgotten what Fair articles were like; oh, and Note No. 2: I've always had a soft spot for victorian-ish period nature prints - Audubon is a keeper.)
DPRoberts wrote:
Fri May 11, 2018 10:06 pm
I still have some very profound experiences that I consider to be spiritual, even though I realize that what is really happening may just be my getting in touch with my deepest intuitions.
I have to agree with this. So in answer to Rueben, I think being in touch with "the spirit" in any way would be finding deeper meaning from within yourself. So far as the gift of the holy ghost is concerned, I don't know. It's never made much sense to me. Maybe I would have considered it a blessing/reminder from HF to look within? To go back to the Wizard of OZ, maybe a Glinda the Good Witch moment?
Hagoth wrote:
Sat May 12, 2018 7:02 am
I have always thought of it as a feedback loop. You hear something that you were indoctrinated to believe to be true and highly important and your brain gives you a burst of chemical reward that strengthens your belief. The benefit is that it keeps you in line with the tribe.
I must have been too much of a skeptic, even as a kid. I always wondered and kind of knew that I was just feeling what I wanted to feel. It made me feel guilty and kind of stupid.
Hagoth wrote:
Sat May 12, 2018 7:02 am
But I have noticed a completely different type of "feeling the spirit" that I would love to discuss with Dr. Ferguson. My experience with praying for spiritual confirmation (i.e. truth test) has often been the opposite of what I expected. I got a "stupor of thought" when I prayed about the restoration and, although I could never get Moroni's promise to work for the BoM, I did get a spiritual confirmation about B. H. Robert's Studies in the Book of Mormon. This leads me to believe that "the spirit" can also reveal to you things that you already figured out at a deeper level but haven't been able to admit to yourself.
I posted this because I've been thinking back to it a lot recently. The last real witness of the HG (if you want to call it that) confirmed to me something rather difficult and odd and I had a bad time with it. It's come up again oddly enough, and I'm trying to work through it, so I appreciate your thoughts.

Biggest "stupor of thought" I've ever experienced is in the temple. I have a very good memory, but I was never, ever able to remember those words at the veil. It's like my mind would go blank and I'd have no idea what I was saying. It was always terribly embarrassing and I'd pretend I was still new to it. Of course, now I know why I was having such a stupor!
blazerb wrote:
Sat May 12, 2018 10:19 am
I really like this. It takes my thoughts quite a bit further. Just before my shelf shattered, I had thought a lot about presiding. There are all these people who appeared to be presiding over my: my quorum president, my bishop, my stake president, etc. I then came to the conclusion that I preside over myself. These others may preside over groups that I belong to, but I have ultimate say over my own actions and beliefs. I love the idea of taking that farther and becoming a partner with god, whoever that may be. I feel a little more free after reading this.
I'm glad to find it useful. It really made me feel better when I came to the conclusion. Although I feel somewhat differently about things now, I do still believe that having that inspiration is me making connections at a deep lever I might not otherwise be able to make. I think the travesty with Mormonism (and other religions as well, perhaps, although I don't know much about them) is that they become the middle man between you and god. I need the HG to understand, receive revelation, get confirmation. But if I am the HG - well then, all I need is me. And if we're to accept LDS doctrine that we are literal children of god, wouldn't it make sense that we would be able to understand and communicate without a middle man?
Palerider wrote:
Sat May 12, 2018 5:16 pm
So in essence, we each have inherently in our "spiritual DNA" a conscience that is attuned to God's character, which conscience makes evil repugnant to us and aids in guiding us towards God throughout our lives. So in a real sense we are connected to the Godhead.

For the vast majority of people that means they have an innate desire to do the right thing whether they actually believe in God or not. They may or may not go about it the right way but in general their intentions are good.
Random wrote:
Tue May 15, 2018 6:37 pm
I completely agree with you. I believe that the spirit inside each one of us is the Holy Ghost.
I've always been rather shy about mentioning this. I'm sure if I said this in church I'd be that weird nutty lady in the back of class that everyone just giggles or groans when she has something to say. I'm glad to find I'm not alone.
deacon blues wrote:
Thu May 17, 2018 12:01 pm
I'll be a devil's advocate here. Who is Mark Hoffman's (or any other Psychopath's) Holy Ghost? Did he ever have one? Did he ignore it, and then it went away?
asa wrote:
Thu May 17, 2018 5:57 pm
OK I will take a stab at it. He has one since he is or was a living soul (body and spirit united ) but in the same way we can refuse to connect with other aspects of our ourselves ( our feelings ,our intellect ,our empathy ) we can refuse to connect with that element within us which is eternal .
Sure, why not?

I think Hofman is an interesting case because even from a traditional TBM stand: Hofman had the gift of the holy ghost, right? So what good did that do him? Oh, he was abiding in evil places and doing evil things so the HG ran away? What about Oaks and Hinckley? I presume that they had the HG with them, why didn't the HG testify of truth to them? I guess my answer is I don't know, but I don't know that the church has any better answer out there.

Gatorbait wrote:
Thu May 17, 2018 7:22 pm
Who was it, Lincoln? who said, "When I do good things I feel good. When I don't do good things I or do bad things- I feel bad." (words to that effect) At least he was given credit for it- but there is truth in that. We don't need a mysterious ghost to tell us when we are a creep, a cheat or a liar. We don't need a piece of paper in our wallet that says we are "worthy". Worthy of what? When we lie, cheat and steal we feel awful. When someone lies, steals and cheats us we also don't feel all that shiny either.... which is why some of us feel that if there was a HG, why did he allow "The Church" to spread lies left right and center?
Yep, I think this goes back to making the church the middleman who gives out that piece of paper that tells you you're worthy. So many times within the church you're told you aren't worthy, but how often are you given the ability to asses yourself? I guess there's the last TR question, but that doesn't mean much if you didn't wear your garments while mowing the lawn or drank a cup of coffee this morning, does it? even if the HG told you to...
deacon blues wrote:
Sun May 20, 2018 6:38 am
I'm reminded of the story of Pinnochio. Carlo Collodi, the author of the story is quoted as saying, "A conscience is that still small voice that people won't listen to." I recall a talk given in 1977 by Marion G. Romney, that says our conscience is the first phase of "the light of Christ" and that it is given to everyone. The second phase is the "gift of the Holy Ghost", and the third phase is "the more sure word of prophecy." As I pondered that talk my 'skeptical self' asked the question, "could the second and third phase just be levels of indoctrination?" My reasoning was influenced by the observation that some things that didn't sinful to my conscience, were considered sinful by the church. One such thing was doing farm work on Sunday, beyond the necessary daily chores. 'My Mormon self' would teach people that any work on Sunday was a sin, but my conscience (no doubt influenced by my hard- working Dad) felt that in some cases, work that needed to be done should be done on Sundays.
Interesting thought. I'll have to think on that.
RubinHighlander wrote:
Mon May 21, 2018 4:36 pm
And after reading this thread I know have this song stuck in my head, of which I used to think was so evil, but now resonates as truth. But I would change the words to "BE your own personal Jesus"

Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
I often felt like prayer was me talking to myself to understand whatever it was more fully. Thanks for the link.

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Re: Who is the Holy Ghost? It's me!

Post by MerrieMiss » Mon May 21, 2018 8:45 pm

moksha wrote:
Thu May 17, 2018 4:56 am
MerrieMiss wrote:
Fri May 11, 2018 6:10 pm
It's me. We're all our own Holy Ghost.
A rare view of MerrieMiss's Kirlian aura.

Funny. Reminds of the time my little brother drew all over the walls and when confronted, blamed it on the Holy Ghost. Which just goes to show, we really are all our own holy ghost!

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