Weekly update.

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Weekly update.

Post by Kishkumen » Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:57 pm

I still get EQ updates from time to time. This one is especially juicy
We have a temple cleaning assignment Friday, April 5. Be at the temple around 9:30, should be out by 11:30. President T has lots of small plastic vials for consecrated oil; if you need one, contact him. We have the greatest power on earth, and should always be prepared to use it. Our Sacrament Meeting attendance has gone from an average of 190 to 230. President T attributed this to our ministering efforts with our neighbors.

In the “Spotlight” was new quorum member M. He came from a long family of preachers, Pentecostal, Church of Christ, Baptist, etc. He was active a couple weeks ago in our ward rodeo, getting off to a running start in this quorum, and is looking for a golf partner. (Careful if you play with him! He's also a golf instructor.)
The Priesthood manual lesson from Brother H addressed the question of God ordaining families to be the foundation of His work. Usually, we think of individuals being ordained. How does it work with families? J noted that in the creation we learn that marriage is ordained of God, so it isn't just individuals.
Brother B led the discussion from “Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice”, page 34 in the Conference Issue of the “Ensign”. It was by Bishop Dean M. Davies. He told of the time we'd decided to build a temple in the Vancouver, Canada area. There was some choice property that seemed just right, but, President Hinckley, on viewing these lots, wanted to see what was down the road. They found an empty lot that wasn't zoned for church buildings, and was owned by 3 people; one in India, one in Canada, and one in China. Nonetheless, President Hinckley was sure that was where the Lord wanted His temple. He told the committee to do their best in securing that spot.
Long story short, that's where the temple was built. Why? God, and His prophet, know things we don't know. Brother B pointed out that so many lives are touched when a temple is built that we can't judge what the overall best effect will be. Brother B told the story of a hunting trip he took when young. Because of brush and obstructions so the driver couldn't see down the road all that well, he got out and rode on top of the car. From that vantage point, he could see where they were going, and saw they were heading towards a cliff. He pounded on the roof to get them to stop, but they thought it meant, “Speed up!” The car went over the cliff, but was caught and wedged between two huge boulders about 60 feet down. His point was, that the prophet is standing on higher ground, and has a better sight line than we do. We need to heed his warnings.

Brother G reminded us of President Nelson's counsel as to how we're all going to need the Holy Ghost to survive these last day problems. Brother W noted that the family is the only unit that is bound and sealed in the temple; not the quorum. Brother D noted that times do change, and God makes adjustments accordingly. Brother M noted our obedience to a prophet isn't “blind” obedience. It is standing strong for a moral position. Brother T noted how President Nelson pleaded with us to follow the home study program, use the proper name of the church. Brother G finished with, “Listen to the prophet, and don't worry about the other stuff.”

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Re: Weekly update.

Post by nibbler » Sun Mar 31, 2019 6:22 pm

What happened to the guy sitting on top of the car when it went off the cliff? :roll:
What happened to the people in the car when they came to a sudden stop after plunging 60ft? :roll:
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Re: Weekly update.

Post by jfro18 » Sun Mar 31, 2019 6:35 pm

nibbler wrote:
Sun Mar 31, 2019 6:22 pm
What happened to the guy sitting on top of the car when it went off the cliff? :roll:
What happened to the people in the car when they came to a sudden stop after plunging 60ft? :roll:
The Three Nephites snatched them out of the air like Odell Beckham Jr. deep in the end zone.

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Re: Weekly update.

Post by Hagoth » Sun Mar 31, 2019 7:21 pm

We have the greatest power on earth, and should always be prepared to use it...
...to this end we are planning a special meeting schedule this week. All Melchizedek priesthood holders will meet in the chapel at 7:00 each evening this week to do the following:

Monday: Pie and root beer
Tuesday: End world hunger
Wednesday: Cure cancer worldwide
Thursday: Reverse climate change
Friday: Harmonize Republicans and Democrats in congress
Saturday: Basketball
“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain

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Re: Weekly update.

Post by Palerider » Sun Mar 31, 2019 9:46 pm

After reading this there is just so SO much that is....the word "wrong" doesn't really describe it.

It makes you want to throw a bucket of ice cold water on someone and say, "Wake the hell up! You're living in a fantasy world!!!"

It's really unsettling. :?
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Re: Weekly update.

Post by Mormorrisey » Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:06 am

Do they have any understanding at all, that someone on the fence reading this drivel will have absolutely no desire to go back? Do they really think that this entices other people to come back into the fold? Reading just that last paragraph makes me never want to visit your ward - they really have no clue that anyone else outside the Mormon bubble really thinks they're off the beam with crap like this.

It reminds me of the Facebook Mormons who, when they have posts on their birthday, family events and other interesting posts will have about a hundred comments from nonmember friends and family congratulating them, or whatnot. Then, when they have a post announcing #generalconference and asking these same people to "come listen to a prophet's voice," maybe one member will like the post, and for the rest, crickets. They just don't get it.
"And I don't need you...or, your homespun philosophies."
"And when you try to break my spirit, it won't work, because there's nothing left to break."

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