The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

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The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Apologeticsislying » Fri Nov 01, 2019 6:32 pm

Just watched a program on the prophecy of the blue kachina returning in the Hopi prophecies and mythology. The kachinas are the supernatural beings. They return from the sky in a form of destruction as a blue star! In other words a comet. It would destroy the world and allow the remainders to restart life in a better frame of mind of harmony and friendship.

I also last night watched Joe Rogan interview Randall Carlsen and Graham Hancock discussing the calamitous end of the last ice age because of a comet which caused many severs floods worldwide, and also wiped out the Americas Clovis culture. The Scablands in Washington state are some of the evidence of the enormous amounts of water from the immense heat of the comet striking the ice cap. If you get a chance, watch Joe Rogan, he has some really fascinating people on his show!

Just finishing also reading Hancock's book "The Magicians of the Gods" (2015) about Goebekli Tepe in Turkey. Utterly fantastically interesting! a very ancient megalithic structure which had a set of constellations carved on one of the pillars that dates from 11,000 B.C. but the situation depicted in the sky on the pillar is to RIGHT NOW. Talk about astounding!

Earth passes through a comet field twice a year which has meteors around 2-6 tons which would absolutely devastate earth if they struck it at over 22,000 mph.
The same energy that emerges from the fountain of eternity into time, is the Holy Grail at the center of the universe of the inexhaustible vitality in each of our hearts. The Holy Grail, like the Kingdom of God, is within. -Joseph Campbell-

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Rob4Hope » Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:34 am

I've read a lot of Hancock's work and also find him fascinating. Also, Rogan's interviews with Graham are also fascinating. The whole comet thing, especially with the discussion of the layers of geological earth that corroborate the whole idea, is compelling. I'm no expert on the topic by any means, but I'm convinced. The astronomical ideas associated with the angles, measurements and everything else about the various pyramids around the world is also fascinating.

Frankly?....I have to say I strongly lean toward advanced civilizations being on this plant LONG before 7 thousand years ago. What does that mean for Mormonism?....they are dead wrong.

My heart bleeds (read MASSIVE sarcasm here) for BRM and JFS on these topics. The FALL is NOT NOT NOT an actual historical event; its at best an allegory, and at worst, probably a complete fable. But not to those guys,...oh no. THEY SPOKE FOR GOD!


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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Rob4Hope » Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:41 am

Apologeticsislying,....Rogan is on record as believing that most UFO enthusiasts are "f@cking crazy"; however!....some are not. Joe is a natural skeptic but despite his rather gruff approach and admittedly heavy drug use, he is a very pragmatic and clear thinker, at least from his arguments on the show's I've seen. His interviews with Bob Lazar were .... can I say interesting?

I've never heard Graham get into the topic of ET,...but he doesn't discount it either (at least from what I've seen). What is your take on the whole Sumerian thing often discussed about Enki and Enlil and all that?

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Apologeticsislying » Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:04 pm

What did my heart a world of good, a WORLD of good I tells ya, is when Hancock basically said Sitchin and his ancient UFO stuff is just stupid. He (Sitchin) is misreading things. It is silly to get so zany and misread even if it is "creatively" the ancient materials. Nibley mistranslated a lot of his materials too in order to give "hits" in Joseph Smith's favor in both the Book of Mormon and Book of Abraham, all for nought. Once it was figured out, by his own Mormon collegues how he was being "too" creative, it all fell through.

Hancock is seriously trying to be realistic about his claim that what we have in the megalithic culture of antiquity is a former higher civilization which was destroyed by the flood(s), more or less, but there were survivors who then spent their lives trying to transfer their knowledge to the survivors of the Hunter Gatherers. Yes it's a theory, and yes the evidence is not stellar yet, but it is growing, interestingly enough! So there is going to be some cool future discussions over the next few decades. I do believe the internet is actually helping.

Hancock isn't into the voo doo stuff, which is so much to his credit! When others attempt to lump him into that category he really does have the right to be mad about it and defend his view. It is not whacky like Sitchin's. It's not atheistic, it's not whack-job, it's intriguing and plausible. With Carlsen's materials coming into view Hancock, I sincerely believe, has a chance for some scientific punch behind his claims and ideas. The future looks interesting!

Have you seen Carlsen's interpretation of the Holy Grail yet? I found it delightful, surprising, and quite convincing! It's on his webpage Sacred Geometry International. Well worth a look into. No I have no bought his materials yet, I am reading the free stuff. I will, however, purchase as I can. In the meantime his webpage is delightfully informative!
The same energy that emerges from the fountain of eternity into time, is the Holy Grail at the center of the universe of the inexhaustible vitality in each of our hearts. The Holy Grail, like the Kingdom of God, is within. -Joseph Campbell-

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Rob4Hope » Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:59 am

Apologeticsislying wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:04 pm
What did my heart a world of good, a WORLD of good I tells ya, is when Hancock basically said Sitchin and his ancient UFO stuff is just stupid. He (Sitchin) is misreading things. It is silly to get so zany and misread even if it is "creatively" the ancient materials.
Now that you mention this, I do remember hearing that Sitchin was not fluent in Sumar language, but I don't recall hearing that from Hancock. Interesting. You rattled a memory up...and whoever it was quoted source material showing that Sitchin's work, a lot of it, was completely non-credible. I'll check my other sources on Enki and Enlil stuff. Its a passing interest, might be a while.
Apologeticsislying wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:04 pm
Nibley mistranslated a lot of his materials too in order to give "hits" in Joseph Smith's favor in both the Book of Mormon and Book of Abraham, all for nought. Once it was figured out, by his own Mormon collegues how he was being "too" creative, it all fell through.
I've avoided Nibley. I've read (and believe) he liked the worship he got. I recall the big fuss his daughter brought up about claiming to be abused. Some of that got debunked?...but regardless, someone like Nibley probably wasn't a good father anyway. What bothers me the most about him (and I don't like the guy at all) is I believe he used his credentials to intimidate and obfuscate issues, like you point out.
Apologeticsislying wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:04 pm
Hancock is seriously trying to be realistic about his claim that what we have in the megalithic culture of antiquity is a former higher civilization which was destroyed by the flood(s), more or less, but there were survivors who then spent their lives trying to transfer their knowledge to the survivors of the Hunter Gatherers. Yes it's a theory, and yes the evidence is not stellar yet, but it is growing, interestingly enough! So there is going to be some cool future discussions over the next few decades. I do believe the internet is actually helping.
Hancock is the most credible author regarding ancient history I have ever read or listened to. On his interviews, he is razor-focused, polite but assertive and well mannered. The guy, IMHO, is likable. His discussions regarding the Sphinx aging with Robert Shock is FASCINATING. Further, I can appreciate how he ties the Younger Dryas into his topics, showing how the dates match up with geology, etc. I've read academic peer-reviewed literature in the past and if its not your area, it can be very difficult--unless the abstracts are written in more comprehensible laymen terms. Hancock quotes several of his sources and various authors of those papers, arousing interest to perhaps venture back into the academic literature, despite the hazards of complexity.
Apologeticsislying wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:04 pm
Hancock isn't into the voo doo stuff, which is so much to his credit!
Apologeticsislying wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:04 pm
Have you seen Carlsen's interpretation of the Holy Grail yet? I found it delightful, surprising, and quite convincing! It's on his webpage Sacred Geometry International. Well worth a look into. No I have no bought his materials yet, I am reading the free stuff. I will, however, purchase as I can. In the meantime his webpage is delightfully informative!
I am not aware of Carlsen,...but I will check it out. I have visited the website you mentioned, but its been a while.

From a TBM perspective when I found myself in stage 4 of a faith transition (the feeling betrayed stage), this was the first time my mind became open to even the possibility of ancient civilizations existing. If you really look at TSCC doctrines regarding the earth's age, but more specifically the age of Adam & Eve and their posterity (Lectures on Faith), it becomes impossible to reconcile work from guys like Hancock. Bruce McConkie, Joseph Field Smith, Harold B. Lee and others....they don't have a leg to stand on, and yet the evidence is mounting.

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Apologeticsislying » Sun Nov 03, 2019 2:00 pm

I just watched a minute or two ago Graham Hancock being interviewed on LondonReal on You Tube. I watched part 1 of 2. It's only 46 minutes and very excellent! The guy at the front for the first 10 minutes or so you can skip. Once the interview gets going with Hancock in the video it is VINTAGE Hancock! Absolutely delightful to watch. I think Hancock is spot on. We *ARE* being brainwashed, not only by religion, but by secular historians and academia. They only allow certain conclusions and ideas out, all else they LABEL and DENIGRATE and MOCK in order to *****CONTROL****** what we are to think. They say, since we don't have our own Ph.d's, that we cannot think for ourselves, so they gladly do it for us, and keep us in certain grooves of "truth" and "reality" and they have POLITICAL power backing them also. So, for whatever reason, we believe them when they say they know, and we don't and we can't without their say so. They are the ones in the "know," the rest of us just have to believe what they say. Yes, it has gotten that damn bad in many sectors. This is in science and in academia and especially in history.

Now this makes me look like a conspiracy theory nutjob. I am not so. I am not freaking out and wallowing in the streets deliriously screaming at the top of my voice that the world is doomed, etc. But we are most certainly being controlled and our minds is the battle ground. Our minds about what we think about religion and what happened in history is being controlled. We are being manipulated. Hancock is superb on this in this interview.

I came around to recognizing that when I was an apologist and realized that the only conclusions I was ALLOWED to arrive at were those in favor of Joseph Smith and the Church. Nothing else was ALLOWED. Whether indirectly or directly, we at FAIR were being manipulated into this channel of nothing but support.

Hancock shows the exact same thing with academic historians, and especially concerning ancient history. Because, if you control what people think of the past, you can control people now. That is the KEY to it. That is why it is a conspiracy. However, the internet is turning the tide with a boatlaod of knowledge that has been pooh poohed is now being seen again and in light of new archaeological and geological ideas and evidences that is over turning the old standard orthodox "correct" view. It hasn't been.

This is a delightful interview! I highly recommend it, seriously.
The same energy that emerges from the fountain of eternity into time, is the Holy Grail at the center of the universe of the inexhaustible vitality in each of our hearts. The Holy Grail, like the Kingdom of God, is within. -Joseph Campbell-

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Rob4Hope » Mon Nov 04, 2019 2:24 pm

Apologeticsislying wrote:
Sun Nov 03, 2019 2:00 pm
Now this makes me look like a conspiracy theory nutjob. I am not so.
I am. I'm not afraid to say it. People in power "conspire" to keep the power, and they fight in any arena that challenges them. It is conspiracy.
Apologeticsislying wrote:
Sun Nov 03, 2019 2:00 pm
This is a delightful interview! I highly recommend it, seriously.
I haven't seen the interview you are referencing, but everything I HAVE seen of Hancock is spot-on. He is very clear, persuasive, articulate, and his evidence is compelling.

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Apologeticsislying » Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:03 am

He is fun and enjoyable to listen to if nothing else. I think as scientific evidence mounts for the end of the last ice age, his ideas will gain more traction. The megalithic stone studies are also very mysterious and utterly incredibly fascinating. His pictures in his book "The Magicians of the Gods" and his explanations from one of the natives of the Incas are over the top exciting mystery stuff! Just HOW did those stones get there, and in such intricate patterns and jigsaws and so forth? It is to say the least, head scratching intriguing.

I am just now beginning his book "America Before." The "Magicians of the Gods" was a fantastic read. I also just finished Patrick Harpur's book "The Philosopher's Secret Fire, a History of the Imagination," and found multitude of ideas which I want to discuss. Sigh! So many books, so little time! I am chasing down hints now of the mysteries being hidden within the literature of the world in plain sight, such as Rabelais "Gargantua and Pantagruel," Cervantes "Don Qixote," and William Blake's materials. I purchased the complete edition of William Blake the other day which is about 4 inches thick - Lol! Good Lord! And Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" is actually about his initiation into the mysteries! I simply have to look into this more. Going down the rabbit hole is a clue that he was initiated, because it always involves a downward movement, because you are entering the underworld, or at least the Otherworld. It will be fun to analyze as I get time. Shakespeare too I have been given hints everywhere of stuff in Venus and Adonis, the Rape of Lucrece, and The Tempest, and The Taming of the Shrew! I mean, come's not like I don't have enough to read already - LOL!
The same energy that emerges from the fountain of eternity into time, is the Holy Grail at the center of the universe of the inexhaustible vitality in each of our hearts. The Holy Grail, like the Kingdom of God, is within. -Joseph Campbell-

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Rob4Hope » Thu Nov 07, 2019 8:04 am

Apologeticsislying wrote:
Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:03 am
And Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" is actually about his initiation into the mysteries! I simply have to look into this more. Going down the rabbit hole is a clue that he was initiated, because it always involves a downward movement, because you are entering the underworld, or at least the Otherworld.
So,...this opens up a new area. Rogan and Hancock both are proponents of Iowaska. They speculate it may be a gateway to 'lift the veil' if I can put it that way....

I became fascinated years ago with NDE studies, but that has expanded with works of Dean Radin regarding Double Slit Experiments and how the mind, through observation and just plain attention, can actually shift energy to matter. Its fascinating...and to me, most of this stuff we have talked about all seems tied together. It has to do with the nature of 'reality'.

Your take on some of these other topics?

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Random » Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:01 pm

Apologeticsislying wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:04 pm
his claim that what we have in the megalithic culture of antiquity is a former higher civilization which was destroyed by the flood(s), more or less, but there were survivors who then spent their lives trying to transfer their knowledge to the survivors of the Hunter Gatherers
I have often thought this was logical - that the ancient people were at least as far advanced as we are, technologically, and maybe moreso, but the evidence got buried or washed away, and we only have traditions handed down through ancient civilizations to give us a clue that they were there.

We honestly don't know the history of this world, and if you delve into Velikovsky's books (like Worlds in Collision), you get some eye-opening information from ancient writings and ancient traditions that he researched.

And if we get another comet or whatever it is that comes around periodically, we'd start out again as hunter gatherers (those who survive, anyway).
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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Random » Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:08 pm

Apologeticsislying wrote:
Sun Nov 03, 2019 2:00 pm
We *ARE* being brainwashed, not only by religion, but by secular historians and academia. They only allow certain conclusions and ideas out, all else they LABEL and DENIGRATE and MOCK in order to *****CONTROL****** what we are to think. They say, since we don't have our own Ph.d's, that we cannot think for ourselves, so they gladly do it for us, and keep us in certain grooves of "truth" and "reality"
I do see this a lot. It's human nature to think you know everything because you view yourself as an "expert".

Now, I know someone else to look up and research. Thanks.
There are 2 Gods. One who created us. The other you created. The God you made up is just like you-thrives on flattery-makes you live in fear.

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Random » Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:13 pm

I just realized the book I have "Fingerprints of the Gods" was written by him! Very interesting and rational author, at least when he wrote that book. (For some reason I thought Fingerprints of the Gods was different from mine until I saw a picture of the cover.)

edited to fix typo
Last edited by Random on Fri Nov 08, 2019 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There are 2 Gods. One who created us. The other you created. The God you made up is just like you-thrives on flattery-makes you live in fear.

Believe in the God who created us. And the God you created should be abolished.

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Apologeticsislying » Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:45 pm

Random wrote:
Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:13 pm
I just realized the book I have "Fingerprints of the Gods" was written by him! Very interesting and rational author, at least when he wrote that book. (For some reason I though Fingerprints of the Gods was different from mine until I saw a picture of the cover.)
Yep, that's his biggest seller. The other two Magicians of the Gods and America Before are his two continuations advancing the new info he has learned in the last 25 years since then.

I'm off on a cool little trail on Dionysus the ancient Greek religious themes associated with it. I finished Magicians of the Gods and now am waiting for the wife to finish America Before. I may not wait for her, I can read it in just two days if she will let it out of her hands, otherwise I'm gonna be a couple weeks before I get to it.
The same energy that emerges from the fountain of eternity into time, is the Holy Grail at the center of the universe of the inexhaustible vitality in each of our hearts. The Holy Grail, like the Kingdom of God, is within. -Joseph Campbell-

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Random » Fri Nov 08, 2019 5:49 pm

I wrote a list of the books I want to read, and those two are on the list. I'm hoping to find them either at my library or used.
There are 2 Gods. One who created us. The other you created. The God you made up is just like you-thrives on flattery-makes you live in fear.

Believe in the God who created us. And the God you created should be abolished.

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Rob4Hope » Sat Nov 09, 2019 7:44 am

Apologeticsislying wrote:
Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:45 pm
Random wrote:
Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:13 pm
I just realized the book I have "Fingerprints of the Gods" was written by him! Very interesting and rational author, at least when he wrote that book. (For some reason I though Fingerprints of the Gods was different from mine until I saw a picture of the cover.)
Yep, that's his biggest seller. The other two Magicians of the Gods and America Before are his two continuations advancing the new info he has learned in the last 25 years since then.

I'm off on a cool little trail on Dionysus the ancient Greek religious themes associated with it. I finished Magicians of the Gods and now am waiting for the wife to finish America Before. I may not wait for her, I can read it in just two days if she will let it out of her hands, otherwise I'm gonna be a couple weeks before I get to it.
Please report back on the America one. I got bogged down in Origins of Power...ugggg.....and unfortunately, most of my time is sucked up reading technical material required by my work. :-(

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Apologeticsislying » Sat Nov 09, 2019 7:08 pm

Well, the great news is the wife just finished today while I was a huntin. Sooooooo, now it's MY TURN!!!!!!!!! :lol: I will be back and report soon.....
The same energy that emerges from the fountain of eternity into time, is the Holy Grail at the center of the universe of the inexhaustible vitality in each of our hearts. The Holy Grail, like the Kingdom of God, is within. -Joseph Campbell-

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Re: The Hopi Prophecy The Blue Kachina Returning

Post by Random » Thu Nov 14, 2019 4:03 pm

Looking forward to your report.
There are 2 Gods. One who created us. The other you created. The God you made up is just like you-thrives on flattery-makes you live in fear.

Believe in the God who created us. And the God you created should be abolished.

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